
01522 526 280


Greetwellgate, Lincoln, LN2 4AW


We have very close connections with St Peter's Church of England Church nearby. Our Vicar Reverend Strachan visits school weekly to lead Collective Worship along with Lay Reader Margaret Ford, who is also the schools Bishops Visitor.

As a school we aim to hold at least one special Act of Worship at Church each term and we encourage children to attend with their families at the weekend. There is also a popular Holiday Club in the October half term and after school on a Wednesday families can attend Family Hour Plus, which is a chance for children to engage in activities and parents to get together.

The children visit Church as part of their Curriculum too, whether in connection with RE, Geography or History.
We are very pleased with our warm links and are keen to uphold them.

Our Y1 pupils visit the over 60’s in the local community and sing at the over 60’s afternoon tea event.

Click here for a link to the church website