
01522 526 280


Greetwellgate, Lincoln, LN2 4AW


Sport premium is a new government initiative, implemented to raise the profile of school sport. Over the next twelve months, we are using this money to develop two key beliefs:

  • Mentoring staff for PE and Games delivery, improving confidence and effectiveness of outcomes, as well as utilising and purchasing effective resources
  • Improving opportunities for PE and Games, to inspire sport and promote new opportunities, including developing young sports leaders in school

As a school we have received £16,000 Sports Premium funding

How do we plan to spend our money?

  • Using specialist sports coaches for professional development opportunities for our teachers, mentoring alongside within lessons.
  • Developing after school provision to allow specialist coaches to enhance physical activity with our pupils e.g Tennis and Multi Sports.
  • Enhance sporting opportunities for pupils – School Trips involving physical activity.
  • Lunchtime sports coaching and active games through professional sports coaching.
  • Trips to develop skills in outdoor adventure.